The store's job is to bring all the pieces together and provide an interface for us to send events to.
Here is a simple example of how the store could look. Similar to the envionment, it's recommended to have main
and mock
versions of your store. Having a mock version will make it super easy to manage your SwiftUI previews and snapshot tests.
import RedUx
typealias AppStore = Store<AppState, AppEvent, AppEnvironment>
extension AppStore {
static func main(
state: AppState = .init(),
reducer: Reducer<State, Event, Environment> = AppReducer.main,
environment: AppEnvironment = .main()
) -> AppStore {
state: state,
reducer: reducer,
environment: environment
static func mock(
state: AppState = .init(),
environment: AppEnvironment = .mock()
) -> AppStore {
state: state,
reducer: .empty,
environment: environment
Sending events
The only way to mutate the state is by sending events which get passed to the reducer, which then mutates the state.
Events are sent to the store.
The store will then process the event and update the state. It will also process any effects produced by the reducer.
Scoping stores